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How to access 12-Day Devi Mantras for Prosperity?

Once you sign up, you can access 12 Devi mantras produced by Mahaktha, on a podcast app of your choice.
Aditya N
Updated 2 years ago
Thank you for signing up to the 12-Day Devi Mantras for Prosperity. Below we'll give a step-by-step breakdown of how to go from getting the access mail to adding the mantras to your favorite podcast app.

As soon as you clicked on the link and provided your email address, you can expect a mail.

Step 1: Finding the access mail

Make sure to access your email inbox through your phone, as this makes the rest of the process easier.

You would have received a mail from 'Preeti Mahakatha (via HelloAudio)'. The subject line will be - Your Audio Access: 12-Day Devi Mantras for Prosperity.

Check your 'Spam' or 'Promotions' tab as well.

This is what the mail would look like on the Gmail app on an Android phone, for reference.

Step 2: How to subscribe

Once you find the email, you will now have to subscribe. This is how you subscribe.

Click on the 'Start Listening' button as shown in the image below.

Step 3 : Subscribe to the Audio on your phone

For accessing the mantras you will now have to click on one these apps below. These are free podcasting apps that you can install from your app store if you do not have it.

We recommend using Google Podcasts. Though you can use any other podcast app mentioned on the screen.

Continuing with our example of Google Podcasts, click on 'Subscribe'. Once clicked that will open up your Google Podcasts app.

In the popup or browser window, you'll see a list of listening options. This would be podcast listening apps installed on your phone.

By default, that would be Google Podcasts on Android Devices & Apple podcasts on Apple devices. Pick one and either install the app or select Subscribe.

Step 4: Access the Devi Mantras

Once the google podcast app is opened you will now find the mantras added on your phone. See the image below.

On the first day you will see only the first mantra as shown above.

Now for the next 11 days you will receive one mantra each day, that will show up in the same page on your podcast app.

This is how it will look at the end of day 12 of you receiving all the mantras.

As you can see the same screen is populated every day with a new mantra, until you have all 12.

Step 5: Enjoy Devi mantras

Once in the app, click on the mantra of your choice, and it will play like any music app on your phone, as shown below.

Use headphones for desired meditative and healing effects.

Get back to us at [email protected] for any queries.

Listener FAQs

These are questions that users of this service have asked, and might help your user experience.

How do I start listening?

Subscribe in a podcast app! On an iPhone we recommend Apple Podcasts (no installation necessary). On an Android phone, we recommend Google Podcasts (no installation necessary). Click an app's button and then "Subscribe" when the app opens. Done :)

If the app isn't installed on your device, the button for that app won't do anything.

How do I listen after subscribing?

Go directly to the app that you subscribed with. Click the image of the podcast and start listening! You'll receive new episodes in the app automatically.

To see all the feed's episodes in Apple Podcasts, click Library, Shows, click the image, then See All Episodes. (Most apps make this easier. Apple decided to bury the episodes a bit deeper.)

After subscribing, the page with the buttons has served its purpose and is no longer needed.

How do I subscribe again?

After you subscribe, you may see the following message:

It looks like this feed is already in your podcast app! Head there to continue listening.
If you need to add it to another app, contact the feed creator to reset your link.

To subscribe in a different app, you'll need to reach out to the feed's creator to have your link reset. They'll either send you the link again, or you can refresh the page once they've confirmed it's ready, and the buttons will reappear.

How do I view the page on my phone?

If you open the page on your computer but want to use your phone instead, you can hold your phone's camera up to the QR code at the top of the page. That will show a popup of the page link. Click that to open the page. The buttons will work from there.

How do I install a podcast app?

Most devices have an app already installed. See "no installation necessary" below. To install an app, click in the lists below.

Apple Podcasts (no installation necessary)
Google Podcasts

Google Podcasts (no installation necessary)
Podcast Addict

Mac computer
Apple Podcasts (no installation necessary)
Google Podcasts (in a browser)

Windows computer
Google Podcasts (in a browser)

Does this work with Spotify, Stitcher, or iHeartRadio?

No, those apps don't allow adding private podcasts via RSS feed. They behave more like Netflix, which doesn't allow you to watch home movies using their app. Others are nice enough to let us use their app to listen to private podcasts.

Spotify have recently allowed for certain feeds to be added.
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